
The SMACKDOWN: Video Games vs. Journalism vs. Robert Frost : It's Been a Minute



Concord, New Hampshire. The first video games. The roots of Journalism. Robert Frost.

Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images

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Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images

Concord, New Hampshire. The first video games. The roots of Journalism. Robert Frost.

Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images

Who will win today’s cage match?

Welcome to The Smackdown! For the next several weeks Brittany is hosting debates in cities and regions across the United States to find out who and what are the most influential things from those places.


This episode Brittany lands in Concord, New Hampshire, the Granite State, and debates with New Hampshire Public Radio reporters Hannah McCarthy and Nick Capodice, the hosts of the excellent podcast Civics 101. There will be winners. There will be losers. There will be surprises.

This episode was produced by Barton Girdwood, Alexis Williams, Corey Antonio Rose and Liam McBain. It was edited by Jessica Placzek. Our executive producer is Jasmine Romero. Our VP of programming is Yolanda Sangweni.

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