
Train Like An Astronaut



On Earth, we’re constantly working against gravity. When we stand, walk, or lift things, our muscles and bones are battling Earth’s gravitational pull. This natural resistance keeps our bodies strong. But in space, it’s a whole different story!

On a space station, astronauts experience microgravity. They can float around and use their muscles with little effort. That may sound fun (and it is), but it can also harm an astronaut’s health. Without the stress of gravity, the body doesn’t maintain or build muscle and bone. So muscle weakens, and bones lose density. To counteract the effects of microgravity on the body, astronauts on the International Space Station exercise between two and two-and-a-half hours a day, six days a week. As they say, use it or lose it!

The heart may also weaken in space because it doesn’t have to counteract gravity to pump blood throughout the body. As a result, astronauts can experience changes similar to those caused by aging or illness. Meanwhile, blood and body fluids are pushed from the legs and abdomen to the heart and head, which causes swelling, leading to hearing loss, eye injury, and pressure on the brain.

Do you think it’d be fun to exercise in microgravity? Why or why not? Credit: NASA

Exercise helps astronauts—and you—improve mental health as well. Physical activity reduces depression, anxiety, and stress. It also helps people sleep better, which positively affects mental health and regulates circadian rhythms, your body’s clock that controls when you feel alert or tired. Plus, exercise has been shown to improve memory and cognition.

So exercise in space isn’t just about staying fit. Astronauts need to maintain their mental health, heart health, muscle strength, and bone density. But here’s the exciting part: The research done on the ISS isn’t just helping astronauts. It helps people on Earth too!

Why do you think the CERVIS has no handle bars? Credit: NASA


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