Seven fitness lessons from rock gods and divas
Jagger, at 80, is a performer who defies all expectations, covering an estimated 12 miles at an average gig. He is known for his energetic, hip-snaking moves and will be preparing for this year’s Rolling Stones tour across the United States and Canada with dance training sessions.
Stephen Gray, the owner of the Training Gyms chain, says these have a double benefit for older people wanting to see fitness gains. “Added to a workout programme, dance is a good aerobic addition to your week. I would recommend a seven out of 10 rate of perceived exertion (how hard you feel you are working). The extra benefit of a dance class is the social engagement alongside the cognitive work involved in learning steps.”
A study carried out by the University of Leeds found that physical activity increased even among the 85-plus group when they were introduced to dancing. The researchers suggested: “This could be explained by the fact that dancing may be less threatening to many older adults than other exercise modes.”