
Fitness instructor runs exercise and social classes for older people



Age is just a number – not a barrier – when it comes to exercise, says fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz, who runs sessions with a difference aimed at older adults.

She launched her over 50s class at Long Sutton’s Market House six months ago and has seen its popularity go from strength to strength.

As well as encouraging group members to keep active, Mariola is also keen for there to be a social element to the workouts too. She motivates class-goers to become friends and arranges a get together afterwards so people can chat and catch up.

Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz pictured with her Long Sutton class. Copyright – Kate Chapman

“This class is aimed at the more mature age group and is quite different to others,” she says.

“There’s a real need for it and I try to bring a social aspect into it too. I’m aware that some people have been sitting at home alone all week and have not really talked to anyone else.


“When they come here, I encourage them to know each other’s names and they like coming in and having a quick chat. It’s buzzing beforehand and now after six months, people are getting to know each other.

Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz pictured with her Long Sutton class. Copyright – Kate Chapman

“After our workout we support a local business and meet up in the Gatsby Tea Room for a social and a chat. It’s really lovely, having that safe space where we can do our exercise and then meet up with people that are becoming friends after.”

Mariola says her Older Adults Fitness Class is mainly seated and designed not to be as strenuous as other workouts.

“We do gentle exercise, and use equipment, like a ball, although if someone wants a different variation we can stand up. At the end I do a meditation, which people seem to enjoy, although at first some of them found it difficult to relax,” she explains.

Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz is running weekly classes for older adults – copyright Kate Chapman
Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz is urging more older adults to give her fitness class a try
Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz with her Long Sutton class – copyright Kate Chapman
Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz shows her class an exercise using a gym ball – copyright Kate Chapman
Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz puts her class through its paces – copyright Kate Chapman
Fitness instructor Mariola Pisarkiewicz who is running classes for older adults in Long Sutton. Copyright Kate Chapman

“I also give out other advice and tips – things like encouraging people to drink plenty of water.

“No one asks who do you want to be when you get older. If I ask this group they want to be fit and strong. Someone else replied ‘I want to be alive; I want to be stronger’. Putting that in someone’s head and letting them think about improving their lifestyle, well, that’s got to be a good thing. Age is just a number; it shouldn’t be a barrier to exercise.”


* Older Adults Fitness Class is held in the Friends Room, at Long Sutton Market House, Market Street, from 9.30am to 10.30am on Monday. For more information contact Mariola on 07547428848.

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